Beetroot and Orange

Slow roasted beetroot is one of my favourite ways to prepare it and a perfect way to meal prep this earth root to add it into salads and sandwiches over the following week. Not only is it the easiest way to cook beetroot but it’s also the most flavoursome. PS. It also works for golden beetroot.

The Recipe - Makes 1kg

  • 900g Beetroot, cleaned, tops removed

  • 2 Large oranges, filleted

  • 3 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil

  • 2 tbsp Balsamic / sherry vinegar

  • A pinch of salt

Step 1.

Preheat the oven at 180C (350f) and place the beetroot on a large roasting tray. It doesn’t matter if they’re packed in close. Don’t use any oil or seasoning at this stage. Roast them for an hour.

Step 2.

After an hour has passed, turn the oven off and leave them inside to steam as they cool for 30 minutes. This will make the skins easier to peel. Whilst you wait, fillet both oranges using a sharp knife. Top and tail them, then cut away the rind. Slice each segment free from the body so that no membrane remains intact.

Step 3.

Now the beets have cooled enough to handle, pull the skin away by hand or with a paring knife and cut them into wedges. Season with vinegar, oil, salt (and cracked pepper too if you fancy) and the orange segments. Mix everything together and store in airtight containers in the fridge for up to a week. During this time the food will break down as the vinegar softens it, bringing out a beautiful acidic sweet flavour.

Pair it with goats cheese and rocket in salads and sandwiches.


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